Posts Tagged ‘ windows ’

What I miss of gnu/linux while forced to use MS windows XP

I will not compare windows (any version) to kde because that would be unfair, fluxbox is sufficient for this little confrontation.
1.A single desktop means that l waste a lot of time moving windows around.
2. I can‘t press Alt+F2 to launch programs, and windows menu is simply a mess.
3. It seems that there is no way to keep a window above the others when it looses focus, this is a very useful feature when you need to have important information at hand. Every widows manager that I know on linux has a list of options that you can use to customize windows behaviour.
4. No linux shell. Windows shell is no match and I would work much faster with a command line, especially on those tedious tasks that you could automate with some scripts.
5. No mid-button copy paste.
6. It get viruses.

And the most funny thing is that people still say “XP is better than vista/seven“. Well I‘m afraid that most of the arguments I have used are still valid for the new Microsoft OS.