Back to the fluxbox

At lest once per year there’s a moment when I start my fluxbox session instead of the usual kde one, and I begin to imagine how it would be cool to use fluxbox with a black and green theme, using only command-line-interface (cli) applications and just be a hopeless nerd.

The question is: can one use just a command line to do most the things he usually do? The answer obviously depends on what one wants to do.
This is the list of programs I usually use from a command line:
-Browser : w3m, lynx
-Instant Messaging : freetalk (xmpp), finch (everything else)
-Editor, programming : vim
-Players: mplayer
-Pdf: pdftohtml and w3m, or pdftotext.
-Downloading, torrent: aria2
-RSS feeds: canto
Notice that w3m can display images in a xterm terminal. I remember that I could even access gmail with w3m, but it seems that I can’t do it. The drawback is: no javascript, no flash (well, this might not be considered a drawback at all)
This will cover 90% of my common activities. I still need an email client, but I am working on it.

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